Monday, December 6, 2010


Guess what?
I did it.
I was brave
and submitted
this little place
over to a big place
and we are now on the list.
Woo hoo!

Becoming Versed is now listed at:


And Yay.

You can find BV in catagory N-Z
Thoughtful Women.
It's right under
Baby Makin(g) Machine.
Which is something I
am not.
And if I was
I probably wouldn't have my brain to think,
and wouldn't be able to be listed
Thoughtful Women.

So, Yay!
Thank you, Mormon Mommy blogs!

Submitting BV to the eyes and hearts of more readers is one of my goals - I'm pushing myself and it is a challenge. Thank you for being a part of it!


  1. WOW!!! Can I have your autograph before you become rich and famous!?!?! Seriously, really cool. Congrats.


So glad you've come to visit!
I'd love to hear {read};) your thoughts!

Deliver Me From Donut Day

Again, I haven't written in a while, but I don't want to forget this one. It's a doozy. I work in an elementary school. I teach ...