Are you up for it?
It's awesome. It changed my life. I'd been on a plateau and after doing this in the weeks before Christmas, I lost almost 10 pounds and am going strong (well, except for that devil sugar-and I am working on it).
My friend, Monica came up with this. I will forever be grateful. She is probably one of the healthiest and most positive people I've ever known. She's always wearing a smile.
I almost didn't join her challenge, because we had a vacation and the holidays coming up.
(And lazy, oh am I lazy.)
I am so glad for that little push inside me that said, "do it!"
Here are some of the things we are going to do to earn points everyday:
excercise 30 minutes a day
one dessert a week
no soda/sugary drinks
no eating after 7:30pm
reading on chapter of scriptures or a book that makes you want to be a better person
a weekly challenge
and a bonus item worth points each week
We are starting January 3rd, 2011.
If you are up for this- let me know! Email me with your email address. You can find my email on my profile or you can decipher this: 143themrs{youknowwhatsigngoeshere}gmail{dot}com
Look forward to hearing from you!
Oh, PS-you should probably know this-I am letting a lot of my friends know about this also, so you might be getting an email from me with a different address on it.
And-the winner of Monica's challenge came up with a chart to track our points and shared it with us. I'll be tweaking it a bit and getting it to everyone who does the challenge with us.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Challenge Details Not Coming Today
A great friend and her family came to town.
We are visiting
and so, no details today.
(They're all written up, I just need to tweak them a bit.)
See you soon!
We are visiting
and so, no details today.
(They're all written up, I just need to tweak them a bit.)
See you soon!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Oh Squat.
Oh Squat.
About 32 hours ago, I did a ton of these plus many lunges and some heavy weighted, one legged dumbell deadlifts. And a bunch of other stuff.
And my you know what is aching.
And a stiff.
But I love it.
It means I did something.
I did something good.
And the pain will go away in a while.
The last 11 weeks before Christmas, I participated in a fitness challenge that my friend started.
I didn't put money in the pot, because I knew I would lose. (Vacation and all - I'm not that down on myself!)
Guess what? Even with the vacation, I still came in 4th-woo hoo. I think I would have been a lot lower in the rankings, if people had not stopped sending in their points. I wonder if they just gave up or just got busy.
I surprised myself with the discipline I had.
And this week, I've surprised myself with the discipline I've lacked.
It's not like to old days, when I could knock out a bunch of goodies in no time flat, but I've eaten more sugar than in all the previous 11 weeks combined.
This morning I woke up with a headache.
I'm pretty sure it's from the sugar.
I need to get back on track.
So, I think I am going to start my own fitness challenge.
January 3rd until March 13th, 2011.
Ten weeks. Seventy days.
I need to make these healthy habits more than habits.
I need to make them who I am.
Want to join me?
By the way--BIG CONGRATS to my wonderful friend (who frequents this little blog). She was the big winner! She lost 9 pounds and won the pot. And is very excited to have her Saturday mornings back for sleeping.
Challenge details to come tomorrow. You know you want to do this. Do it, do it, do it!
Monday, December 27, 2010
My Worst Holiday Moment This Year
Picture found here.
If you've read here in the past few weeks, you'll probably know that my time and I have been stretched thin.
So, I've done a lot of delegating. But couldn't delegate everything & was up late Christmas Eve finishing that which I did not delegate.
Namely wrapping. I was a tired wrapper. I was not taking pride in my work. I just wanted to get it done.
Namely wrapping. I was a tired wrapper. I was not taking pride in my work. I just wanted to get it done.
Now, please imagine my eleven year old son picking up a present from under the tree and kindly carrying it to his father to be unwrapped.
And with my freshly rested eyes, I said, "Oh man, I did a really bad job wrapping that one. Yuck."
mr b said, "I wrapped it."
Guilt = much.
Christmas breakfast = humble pie.
Years of grief they will give me = many.
I am so sorry mr b.
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mele Kalikimaka
I hope you've had a wonderful Christmas!
I've been gone.
But now I'm back.
Guess where I was?
Woo hoo!
And I am still running on island time.
I will be back and writing.
I promise.
Mele Kalikimaka!
With Love,
the mrs
ps-Becky, blogger has a pubish post option and you can schedule your posts. Pretty cool, huh?
Those last 6 or so posts were all done way ahead of time because I knew I didn't want to pay any attention to becomingversed (no offence intended) during our vacation and prep time. From my lack of time and posting this past week(since we got home), I'm thinking I should have preposted quite a few more :).
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thursday, December 16, 2010
New Season
It's a new season at our house, and I'm not talking winter.
Two of the kids are signed up for basketball.
We usually don't do winter sports.
We usually take a break.
But they started a new program
and I like my kids to run and play
back to practicing
and going to games
and all
that goes with
having kids in sports.
I'll let you know how it all works out.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
"Mom, Mom, you gotta see this. It's so weird and random. They printed the words on the chip bag upside down. Isn't that so funny?"
--little mr. j
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Sunday School
Image from here.
Today for Sunday School, we're having a internet field trip.
We are going to visit another site to learn about George Frideric Handel, his life, and what we can learn from what he learned.
Please join me in visiting, listening, and reading.
Have a great Sunday!
the mrs
Please come along to Handel and the Gift of the Messiah .
Friday, December 10, 2010
Taking Moving Pictures
I am really good at taking pictures that are moving.
To the heart.
But I am not really good at taking moving pictures.
With a video camera.
This week, again, I messed up.
The lower grades Christmas program would be performed two times in one day.
That was good because I could attend the little program in the morning
and the highschooler's concert that evening.
And I would be able to video them both.
Or so I thought.
Because, after one half hour of painstakingly zooming and focusing and
doing my best to juggle my regular camera-because, oh yes,
I wanted those pictures, too.
I looked at the little video monitor
in my hand and guess what--
it was on stand by.
The whole time!
So I hurried and hit record and got the last 30 seconds of "Christmas on Candy Cane Lane."
And I sent that machine with miss h and her dad to the program that night and she did a great job videoing it, as far as I know.
And I was able to enjoy the high school concert and really watch and listen, because I was focused on the program-not on myself recording it.
It may have been one of the best high school choir concerts I've been to.
And for that, little green candy cane, mr j will take a bow.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Thanksgiving Leftovers
It's time to take care of them, don't you think?
There is a tradition at our little school.
Every Thanksgiving Break eve,
there is a feast for the children at the school
and the people special to them.
It used to be grandparents were the main invitees,
but I think they've changed things up to
involve more families.
We started in the PreK room. Where we got a little tour and the kids sang some songs for us while we waited to be called to the cafeteria.
My little turkey head.
Potato turkey.
We had a fabulous discussion about what
this turkey would taste like- especially if ,
"I took my fist and smashed it all up."
And this little turkey potato fell down.
Again and again.
(I think it was ready for Thanksgiving break.)
(It's probably more funny to me than to you-it would tip over, someone would right it, it would tip over, someone would right it, it would tip over, someone would right it. There was even some support adjustment. It was funny.)
Volunteers from the Community Baptist Church that's kitty corner from our school served the meal.
I believe the lunch ladies cooked it.
And some mom volunteers cut the pies.
I was not involved.
I only ate.
And took pictures.
Here's the most very special thing about this feast.
Do you see those older kids in the lower right hand corner of the picture?
They are 8th graders (our school is PreK - 8th).
And that is a big deal.
Their job is to serve.
They get drinks, help carry trays, get desserts, clean up messes, make messes cleaning up the messes,
and so much more.
It's incredible because:
the 8th graders are working for tips.
Tips that they will put together to provide
Christmas Gifts for needy children.
I had an 8th grader the first year we lived here.
She is still talking about the time
when her whole class got quite a lot of $
to spend on one child for Christmas
because the folks at the feast had been so generous.
I loved watching them.
It was so wonderful to see their excitement
and to watch some of them
serve their little hearts out.
It almost made me cry.
This is the centerpiece that was created by my little neighbor,
you know the one,
the one that lives
I want one.
This is a picture of two boys eating.
The older boy was very grateful have a PreK
sibling, because you eat at the time of your youngest sibling
at the school.
So he got to go first.
And he was hungry.
He's always hungry.
This is what we saw as we were leaving the feast.
Another picture of something we saw as we were leaving.
I'm glad it goes both ways.
After that, we walked home and enjoyed the rest of our Thanksgiving Eve.
Thanks for staying for leftovers-
here's your dessert:
While we were waiting our turn to go feast,
the PreK kids entertained us
with a bunch of Thanksgiving songs.
And when they ran out of Thanksgiving songs,
they sang some Halloween ones.
So, with my mad skills,
I taped it for you from a very ridiculous viewpoint.
(They didn't sing the jump around part which made me sad,
but at least you finally get to hear the little Oklahoma accent.)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Guess what?
I did it.
I was brave
and submitted
this little place
over to a big place
and we are now on the list.
Woo hoo!
Becoming Versed is now listed at:

And Yay.
You can find BV in catagory N-Z
Thoughtful Women.
It's right under
Baby Makin(g) Machine.
Which is something I
am not.
And if I was
I probably wouldn't have my brain to think,
and wouldn't be able to be listed
Thoughtful Women.
So, Yay!
Thank you, Mormon Mommy blogs!
Submitting BV to the eyes and hearts of more readers is one of my goals - I'm pushing myself and it is a challenge. Thank you for being a part of it!
I did it.
I was brave
and submitted
this little place
over to a big place
and we are now on the list.
Woo hoo!
Becoming Versed is now listed at:

And Yay.
You can find BV in catagory N-Z
Thoughtful Women.
It's right under
Baby Makin(g) Machine.
Which is something I
am not.
And if I was
I probably wouldn't have my brain to think,
and wouldn't be able to be listed
Thoughtful Women.
So, Yay!
Thank you, Mormon Mommy blogs!
Submitting BV to the eyes and hearts of more readers is one of my goals - I'm pushing myself and it is a challenge. Thank you for being a part of it!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday School (The Score- warning - this may possibly be quite sacrilegious)
Here's this Sunday's Score:
my mr 5
me (the mrs) 0
He has spoken in a Sacrament Meeting five times since moving here (not all the same congregation, but still-that's a lot of talks).
I have spoken zero.
That makes me the winner.
And I will let you in on a secret that he figured out.
And it's working for me.
If you have a testimony.
And you bear it somewhat often.
"They" will think you've given a talk
and you will not be asked to speak in other meetings.
It's our secret, but it works.
There's a lady who had got to give a talk last summer who said,
"I've lived in this ward 4 years and this is the first time I've been asked to give a talk."
We're going to her house for dinner in ten minutes.
I am not going to bring up the score or the secret.
We've lived here 2 and a half years.
I say I'm not competitive,
but I'd really like to beat her record.
Here's some definitions to click to:
Sacrament Meeting & Speakers: For a wonderful description of this meeting, click here and scroll down to "What happens during sacrament meeting?"
Testimony: A testimony is a statement of one's beliefs. You can find lots of Mormon's definitions of what a testimony is here. Testimony meeting is the first sacrament meeting of each month (except in April and October, when it's general conference and testimony sunday gets moved-usually to the week before the first week of those months-and if you have any questions on all this LDS going to church lingo, you can always email me or click on - there you can look up your questions or have a live chat).
After reading this post, I've decided that I've been wearing my nylons for way too long today (13.25 hours). I think the restrictiveness has effected me. FYI - I wrote the above, then we went to dinner, had a lovely time & now we are about to have family scripture & prayer and get the ready for in bed. So I really should be going.
And that last sentence under 'Testimony' might be in the top ten of my run-ons & use of ands and the like. Woo hoo.
Good night and happy Sunday!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Commit Me
"Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging on after others have let go."
William Feather
Funny picture and quote from here.
Commit Me.
Because I have overcommitted.
And I can feel the anxiety level in my chest rising and lowering and moving around.
And I don't think that's healthy.
But I'll probably be ok.
When we moved to Oklahoma, I was well versed in the art of not being over committed.
I hid out.
But the time here has opened up and my heart did, too.
So, last spring, when the high school choir parent's organization needed someone to help organize volunteers for the basketball concession stand for the 2010-11 season, I said, "Oh yeah, I can do that-and it's a job I can do from home. Woo hoo!"
And, last spring, I opened my big mouth to a friendly woman at the elementary-telling her, "I can't get 'in.' It's impossible. When I try to sign up for things, the same people have taken all the jobs. There's no room for me." (Ok, yes, I know we are extremely blessed to have always lived in areas where there is such a volunteer spirit at our schools. I know-but did you know how many challenges come with that?)
And, last fall, at the elementary school open house, no one had signed up yet to be the afternoon PreK room mom, I danced a little jig-because in all my having-kids-in-school years (and that's a lot), I have never been able to get "in." I was Sunshine committee chair and the whole committee one year and had some classroom volunteer time which I hold dear to my heart. But, I've never held 'the' title.
Yeah, baby, I'm the afternoon PreK room mom. How awesome is that?
So, this fall, I received a telephone call from that friendly woman telling me that no one had signed up to be homeroom mom for my son's 5th grade class and would I like to do it. Well, well-I guess someone listened when I opened up my big mouth. I said, "Thanks, but did you know that I got 'in' as the afternoon PreK room mom. I don't know if that'd be right for me to do both." I was assured that it would be fine and selfishly (because who knows when I'll ever get the chance again) accepted.
Only I didn't know that all the classes have their parties at the same time.
And that I would be on vacation for one of the major ones.
And I didn't know that I would get the awesome calling at church to lead the beautiful young women for a while. (I'm hoping a long while!)
And I didn't know that my trust issues would try to infuse themselves in the choir concession stand business.
And that it takes hours & effort to create & fill that schedule.
Here's what I've learned:
Delegation and letting go is the only way to survive.
Don't try to do a three month concession stand volunteer schedule, try for a month, be happy for a week.
Things will always work out.
Email is awesome.
It's great to get to be room mom once in a lifetime.
I will probably do the concession gig again-have to make the steep learning curve worth something.
Be thankful for the people associating with and relationships that are being built through all these activities.
(Except I'm worried about Monday, I was at a small meeting with that friendly woman and another and I opened my big mouth again and became completely obnoxious-you would have thought I was one of my children-or husband. I don't know what got into me-silly-silly-silly. I am so not like that. I don't know if I built any relationships there, or if they will run away fast when they see me again. I sure hope they don't.)
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to go look over my to do list again.
For the millionth time today.
I have a nagging feeling that I've missed something somewhere
and that is not good.
Oh, and would you please work concessions next Friday, 4:45pm to 9ish? Please let me know by tonight or sooner if possible.
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Deliver Me From Donut Day
Again, I haven't written in a while, but I don't want to forget this one. It's a doozy. I work in an elementary school. I teach ...
little mr. j and I went to the library this week and they had a very cool interactive display to celebrate. They had taken different books ...
Again, I haven't written in a while, but I don't want to forget this one. It's a doozy. I work in an elementary school. I teach ...
but we're not, but we will be, someday. The builder would laugh every time I asked, but now he's told me that "before school st...