Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sunday School/Happy Halloween

Our area celebrated Halloween last night.
Woo Hoo for that!
little mr. j's PreK teacher,
(Here at our little school, if you call it Pre School, nobody will realize you are talking about that little class at the school-they think you are talking about somewhere else. I found that out on Friday)
realized that Halloween falls on a Monday next year.
She's not very excited about that.
I think she'd like to ask for it to be changed.
I love that our city passed an ordinance to celebrate it on Saturday this year.
It's 9pm on Sunday night and no one's come around.

Now, last night was a whole different story.
We were busy.

Lots of kids.

Lots of candy.

Lots of fun.

Here's little mr. j's favorite take of the night (and it's not candy), he's been wearing them all around.
Except for church and to eat and he finally let me wash them when I was doing the dishes.

We had friends come over for dinner before they all went out trick or treating.
We had two of little mr. b's friend's families
one of little mr. j's friend's family.
The families are our friends, too.
It was fun.
miss s declined to invite anyone-she had had a busy day.
miss h had a few friends coming and going.

One of our mom friends and I were talking
and she said she didn't know if Mormons celebrated Halloween or not
so when her boys (she has twins that are little mr. b is friends)
talked about going around the neighborhood with little mr. b,
she didn't know what to say.
Fortunately, the boys talked and they figured things out.

So, here's your Sunday School lesson for today:
Some Mormons celebrate Halloween.
It's a personal decision.
And in what I've seen, it's really most of us, not just some.

Favorite quote of the night:
little mr. j has a good friend named Luke.
He dressed up as Darth Vader.
little mr. J as "Luke Skywalker, Rebel Pilot."
little mr. j  and Luke faced each other,
and put their hands on each other's shoulders.
Here is what was said:
little mr. j, "Luke, I am your father."
Friend Luke, "No, I am your father."
little mr. j, "No, I am your father."
Friend Luke, "No, I am your father."
"I am your father."
"I am your father."

I missed it, but the family tells me it was very cute.
They used the Darth voice and everything.
I was hoping my mr. or Luke's dad would have stepped in and said,
"I am your father."
That would have been funny.

Now, more pictures:

Here are the older kids watching and waiting for their turn in the school's costume parade.
You can do a where's waldo here if you want,
but please use no names.

And God came to the parade.
When I pointed Him out to my mr.,
my mr. said,
"little mr. j said he would be here."
He led the parade ahead of my "Luke, Rebel Pilot."

I know it's a bad picture, but  really, it's the only one I had
and I had to have you see Him,
you know, because it's Sunday.


Thursday, October 28, 2010

What I just learned. Again.

When one registers for the ACT, one should check with the schools they are planning on applying to ahead of time to see how they handle multiple test scores (taking the same test on different dates in hope of a better score).

One should also remember that adding additional schools to the list of places for scores to be sent to should be completed before noon central time the Thursday after the Saturday test date.

Because 10 minutes before 5pm central time is too late.

But, for an additional fee, it can be taken care of.

(This post is mainly future reference for me. Post it note on my space. I knew this last spring.)
 (Why or why do I not remember these things?)
Image from here.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Halloween Frights-kind of

I have something very scary to share with you-just in time for Halloween.
It's (dun, dun, dun) my calendar,

But, since I don't want to scare you too much, I will shield you from the frights.
And let you know how beautiful life's been in our
little part of the world:

This is the sky. Really. I have no idea how I took this picture, but I did take the one before it and the one after, so I'm pretty sure I took this one. It was the day of the run. Now that I think of it, little mr. j's teacher held my camera, so maybe she took it-whatever, it's still a pretty awesome blue to go along with a pretty awesome day.

These are our feet after the run (little mr.'s j & b & mine in the middle).
little mr. b ran (well, maybe ran, might have walked some) two miles with a friend.
We were there at the end to greet him.
We (little mr. j and I) got to the end very quickly.
I learned that little mr. j really knows how to set goals and accomplish them.
And how to run a steady pace.
And a mile is a really long race for preschoolers (and their mothers), especially when there are two significant hills at the start.
The official results will be in soon, but unconfirmed reports are that he is a contender for a very high honor.
Not poor mr. b.
He just ran with his friend and had a good time.
I think that makes him a winner.
And his friend took the pictue above.
Thank you little mr. r.
(Please note the shoe laces on the older boys' feet.)
That's scary.
Good thing he didn't fall and get any asphault burns.

Honestly, I've had the greatest month.
It's been busy and is ramping up to be even more.
Fun at the pumpkin patch with the PreSchool kids.
Friend started an awesome "health challenge" that I joined in on.
Football, Soccer, Lessons, Brain Training
Got to go to Arizona with my mr.
Visited with some lovely folks.
Didn't have enough time to see all the lovely folks I wished I could have.
Back to car in the shop, birthday party that missed getting put on the calendar,
understanding friends, class parties, appointments, and so much more.
It's scary, but it's good.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Why I am the parent to drive with-or not

Image from here.
I am in no way implying that this is a picture of me. I am not a doggeh.
This is just probably how it feels to my poor, poor teenage drivers.

We had a situation last week.
We have a situation lots of weeks, but this one was particularly unpleasant and of course I learned something.

I took driver's ed when I was 14. That's right. 14 years old. We took a class for many weeks. We practiced in a controlled environment consisting of a parking lot and a two story building with real cars, a viewing area with windows on the second floor, and a speaker system that "spoke" to the car radios. Finally, driving around the city with two of your closest driver's ed buddies & an instructor.

Oh, yes, humiliation all around.

I got a daytime license that let me begin to drive in the dark when I turned 16.

It did not involve parental involvement.

Very different world, but I am a very good driver.

Flash forward to poor miss s, who has taken today's version of driver's ed: a big check, quite a few hours in a classroom with the freakout videos, three hours drive time with an instructor, and 50 hours required drive time with a parent (affidavit to be sworn and signed by said parent).

I think you can see where this little diddy is heading.

Yes, I am the crazy, nervous parent that has extreme difficulties when riding with my new teenage drivers.
I don't like the jerking around. I don't like being so close to the cars in the other lane. I don't like a lot of things about it.

I know they are just learning. I know it is all new. I know she is nervous.
It's days like that one when I question my fitness to be a parent.
It was a very bad situation.
But, I have figured out that I am the woman to teach the new driver how to drive under great stress.
Forget about all the nice, peaceful drives. Anyone can teach them how to drive though those.
I'm the one that can train them to focus in very crazy situations.
Crazy inside the car that is.

I am sorry miss s.
You will be an excellent driver,
you just might want to practice with your dad from now on.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday School

Image found here.

In one of our classes today, the man giving the presentation told us about where he used to live (way out in the country). He told us about how they used to give people directions on how to get there. And then he went on to draw a map and tell us (very quickly) how to get to his childhood home (beginning at the main freeway). There were many turns and at each one, there was a description given instead of street names. (It was something like this: take the second Somethingdale exit, through the first light, right at the gas station, right at the Miller’s house, left at somebody Mogg’s place, we’re right next to Ike’s-except there was a lot more to it.)

Then he had someone come up and try to tell us the directions. The person did pretty well, but got mixed up at the end. Then he had us all work on the directions together and we did well. Then another person went up and was able to do it all on his own (because we had all practiced the route a few times).

This man could get to his home without thinking about how to get there. He’d traveled that road so many times that it was natural, he knew the way.

But other people didn’t know the way and his family had to give very clear directions to folks traveling out to visit, or else they might get lost.

This example could take the presentation in so many directions. Our man chose to talk about how when we routinely do things, they become part of who & what we are. They become natural.

So, here are some questions for you (and me):
Where are you heading?
Do you know the way?
Is your road familiar or new?
Will you have help along the way?

I’m heading down some new roads. I think I’m going to have a lot of help and I am glad. How about you?

(And, as always-I’d love to ‘hear’ your answers, but if you’re like me and a little shy-no worries, I just hope this has given you something good to think about.)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Picture can be found here. (But, warning, I don't know what that link will send you to-my web protector told me that I was not allowed to open that site without my parent's permission, and they live way out of state and if I call them, I won't get this post written and if I don't get this post written, I won't get the laundry folded, the kids will get ignored when they come home from school, and I won't have time to figure out what's for dinner. So, sorry. Hope it's an ok site &  nothing invades your computer if you go there. Their picture sure is cute. And-Hi, Mom.)

The package that didn't arrive two Saturdays ago, but "was delivered," arrived via a nice lady with the same house number/different street address as us.

I have my window open.

I am following a "be healthy" plan/contest thingy & I am earning lots of points.

The teenagers did not have cross words before & upon leaving the house early this morning.

The library book was in the backpack, where it was supposed to be.

My husband called to say thank you and give me some wonderful news.

My washer & dryer work.

The weather is beyond beautiful. My windows are open and I am happy.

I did not feel the earthquake that shook up our area this morning.

I got on a stairmaster at the gym next to a chatty gym-friend.

Time went by quick.

There is good on the news today.
And they're running it all day.

Do you have any 'Yays' today?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Oh my goodness-the airplane ride

Are you one of those people who are totally comfortable riding in an airplane?

Do you come and go without worry or concern?
Do you enjoy the ride?
Do the people around you make you feel more comfortable, concerned, or blah?
Guess what I heard on the first flight I took on the way to our visit West from someone sitting very near me:

"We're gonna crash!"
"We're goin' down, we're goin' down!"
"I got a bad feeling about this."

I do get nervous sometimes, but was trying to be calm for my kids.

He was just going on and on and on.
And he didn't stop until I put one hand over his mouth and one arm around his body, kissed the top of his head, and whispered in his ear that everything would be just fine.

And held back the laughter.

Because I didn't want to minimize his tender feelings.

Or scar him for life.

And I didn't realize the volume of his terror until, as I held his little 4 year old hand, we exited the plane and folks sitting in rows very far away started saying to him, "See, we're ok. We didn't crash." and "Look we made it." Oh, and "Everything's fine now, isn't it?" And then, when we were out in the new airport, other people started saying things, too!

On our return flight, he was holding my arm so tight but he didn't say anything. He fell asleep right about the time the wheels left the ground.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Last Summer Days

I've been outside a lot this week
soaking in our last pleasant days of
summer weather.

I haven't been inside
or thinking of things to write.
I've just been enjoying
where I am
while I am there.

In honor of this
beautiful week,
I am giving you a picture
of the only place in the
world where I
can completely relax
(and also my son's 10 toes).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Deep Question

Precious silhouette from here.

I hope my theme of late regarding my love of the things four year olds think & say is not wearing on you.
I promise the days of this theme are drawing very, very short.
As in, "Is it one or two days before my birthday?"
And, "Four is not my favorite number anymore. I changed it to five."
I will always love the things four year olds think & say.
I will just not have a four year old in my home anymore.
So I will love the things that my five year old thinks & says.
And my tween.
And my teen.
And my almost adult.
And I will cry a little because the time is going by too fast.

So, before I go and get all weepy on you, let me ask you the question I was asked tonight as I was lying down next to a very wiggly almost five year old, trying to get him to go to sleep.

"Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be another person?"

And I said, "Yes, as a matter of fact, I have. What do you think it would be like?"

(Ok, at this point I was feeling so validated. No one else has ever asked me that & sometimes I think the things I think are just a little weird. So having this little person that I love ask me a question that's been pondered in my very own brain was quite an honor.)

Him, "Weird."

Me, "Well, who would you would you want to be?"

Him, "You."

Me, "Then would I be you or where would I go?"

(At which point he started making the funniest 'trying to figure something out' faces.)

Him, "How would that work, your body wouldn't fit into mine."

Me, "Well, maybe it would be more like our spirits or souls or personalities would trade places."

Him, "Oh. That would work."

Me, "How would I drive you around? My feet wouldn't touch the pedals."

Him, "Oh (chuckle) I would be the one driving."

Me, "If we did that, would you still have a four year old mind in my old lady body?"

Him, "Oh yeah and I would drive."

Me, "Oh yeah & we would wreck. You haven't learned how to drive. How would you know how to?"

Him, "Oh, I just would."

Ending with more little four year old giggles.
And a lot more wiggling.
And one little boy finally falling asleep.

Ok, so the time I remember most wanting to be another person was in those junior high years. I wanted to know what it was like to be a cheerleader, to be popular, to know the things I needed to know to have friends and get invited to parties and be smart. All very crucial early teen worries and issues.
I know there's been other times, but that's what I am thinking of right now.

How about you?
Have any of you ever wondered what it would be like to be a different person?
And if I had life as a mom to live over again, I would always (ok, really a couple times a week at least) take time to lay down by my little ones & listen to what they had to say.
I regret my early tired/selfish parent years of just wanting them to go to bed after a long day.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday School (Good Halloween News)

Here is the link to this exact story on their official site.
My comments are added in orange.

Several Cities Move Official Halloween Celebration

Move Made To Help School Children

POSTED: 6:40 pm CDT October 3, 2010
UPDATED: 8:52 pm CDT October 3, 2010

OKLAHOMA CITY The decision by several Oklahoma City area community leaders to celebrate Halloween a day early is stirring a spirited debate.

Edmond, Midwest City, Oklahoma City and Yukon officials have issued proclamations moving the date from Oct. 31, a Sunday, to Oct. 30. Norman stuck with Oct. 31. Yay!

Oklahoma City Mayor Mick Cornett's chief of staff, David Holt, said the non-binding decision has more to do with Sunday being the night before school than with it being the day in which church services are held.
Because, being politically correct has hit the bible belt.

First United Methodist Church pastor Mark McAdow said the move is convenient for those who want to go to Sunday evening services, but he said he wouldn't be bothered if children go trick-or-treating on Sunday.
Because, "keeping the Sabbath day holy" is a commandment open to interpretation-right?

Edmond resident Jason Sipe said Halloween should be celebrated on Oct. 31.
Because, he is so blessed to have the freedom to choose his beliefs.

Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

OK, I am nieve. Am I breaking the copyright here by reposting this? Does a blog with very small readership count as redistributing? I don't know. I get no monetary compensation for this thing. I have nothing to gain or lose. (Just maybe someone might take offense or something.) Anyway-KOKO, I linked you above. I gave all the details, I'm not making any gain off this little post. I hope I haven't wronged you. I am grateful for the news you reported and I found this late Sunday night.

Thank you for the good news this Sabbath evening.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Building Knowledge

I believe that knowledge is built on existing knowledge. If we don't have a foundation or base to put our new knowledge on, it's going to have a hard time standing strong.  It's so important to learn things from the beginning and in incremental steps.

If you've been reading here for a while, you'll remember that little mr. j and I have been learning to read.
Well, really, I already know how to read, but we are working on it together and we have made it to lesson #65.

He would really like to get to "his" letter. He would really like to get to 'j' and that will happen in the next few lessons. (woo hoo!)

What is great is the way he asked me about it yesterday.
He said, "When are we going to get to unlock 'j'?"

As I've said before, I love the things four year olds say.
And I love how he used the knowledge he has of moving on to higher levels of something to try to know how to move to a higher level in a different realm.

Now, after his comment, do you think I should be concerned about the source of his knowledge base-because really, it's only allowed on on Fridays after school & Saturdays. Except in the summer-they get to use it a lot more then.

(I have to add that they mainly play the games that get them moving or ones of the Lego persuasion, so it's not like they are exposed to most of the stuff out there. -- Just had to add that to relieve my mistakes of parenting paranoia. Thanks.)

Deliver Me From Donut Day

Again, I haven't written in a while, but I don't want to forget this one. It's a doozy. I work in an elementary school. I teach ...