Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sunday School

To read what it says, go here.

I just go back from the neatest meeting. I think there were probably about 200 parents and teenagers there.
It was called "Standard's Night." --If you're Mormon (member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints), you'll totally recognize the next things I am going to write.-- We Mormons are a bit odd in the eyes of the world. We live by a pretty strict moral code. I have many not LDS (Mormon) friends & when we talk about parenting teens, my troubles and concerns are so far removed from what they know as normal American teen issues. I am so thankful for that. I am thankful the guidelines are spelled out so clearly in the little book above. If you'd like to see what one of tonight's youth speakers called the "Mormon teenager's handbook," click above where it says "here." You can read about how differently these teenagers live their lives.

Better yet- go find one. Go find an active (meaning attending church & participating) Mormon kid and talk to them. (People have done this with my kids, it's pretty enlightening.) Bet you'll be surprised. 

Anyway, the awesome thing about this meeting was that it was all about the kids. The kids conduted the meeting, led the music, said the prayers, gave the talks (ok-there was one adult that talked, he wrapped the evening up), and provided some very special musical numbers.

Here's what they covered:
The Language we Use
Keeping the Sabbath Holy

The adult spoke on the impact our standards have on ourselves and those around us.

There were three musical numbers; one piano solo, a violin duet with piano, and a vocal solo.
I was partial to the vocal solo.
Because miss s was the one to sing it.
She sings like an angel.
And is just now beginning to share her gift in public.
I cried.

And I was in awe. Where else would you find so many kids doing those things in front of a large group of their peers? And those peers supporting each other in their desire to be good people.

It was beautiful.
I am thankful I got to be there and feel what I felt.
And hear my angel sing.

1 comment:

  1. All the kids did very well. Like you, I was partial to the angel.


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